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Extra Care Housing

Extra Care Housing

Extra care housing is specialist housing provision that combines accommodation with care and support services designed to offer safe, private, and secure accommodation whilst allowing service uses to retain the independence of having their own home.

Extra care housing combines accommodation with care and support services. There are many different types and sizes of extra care housing.

Sefton has a population that is living longer, and people tell us that their preference is to be able to remain in their own home, with the ability to access care and support if needed at some stage. For those who already have support needs, or whose health is declining and indicates that they may need more help in the coming years, extra care housing offers the option to meet these needs. Sefton wants to develop extra care accommodation that is innovative and can be utilised further as hubs of the local community, for residents and non-residents alike and to be focal points for inter-generational community activity.

Our needs indicate that we will require 1306 units of accommodation (approximately 15 schemes) across the borough.

Extra care housing typically has the following featured but not limited:

  • Their own home and front door in a familiar community environment.
  • Specially adapted, secure and accessible accommodation.
  • Access to 24-hour care and support.
  • Technology Enabled Care (such as lifeline alarms, smoke alarms).
  • An assured tenancy.

Accommodation features:

  • Spacious, self-contained accommodation.
  • Communal gardens.
  • Communal rooms.
  • Communal facilities such as a hairdresser, computer suite and library.
  • Bistros.
  • Guest facilities and the option for family member to stay overnight.


Draft Extra Care Allocations Policy

A Extra Care Allocations Policy is now being developed in part ensure we support this new provision.

The aim of the policy is to promote independence and well-being; facilitate a balanced, vibrant, and sustainable community for residents with care and support needs within the setting of extra care housing which will play a key role in preventing and avoiding admissions to residential care and hospitals and contribute to our preventative agenda.

This Policy provides the criteria by which people applying for accommodation in Extra Care Housing in Sefton are assessed and if eligible the process and system for allocating appropriate available accommodation.

This allocations policy will require further work to be undertaken before the presentation of the final version to Cabinet. Consultation with key stakeholders both within and outside the Council is vital to ensure that the policy is robust, fair & importantly, helps meet housing needs with the Borough.

The draft Extra Care Allocation Policy and process is now available for your views and comments: Extra Care Allocation Policy Consultation.


Developing Extra Care Housing

Sefton are looking for developments that meet the needs of our communities and do not create large villages solely focused on older residents. Innovative smaller schemes that meet our diverse requirements are also welcomed.

The facilities and care provided will vary, but extra care housing schemes usually include:

  • Self-contained adapted flats or bungalows
  • On-site care and support staff, providing personal care and domestic services
  • Assistive Technology throughout the scheme, with 24-hour help available
  • Communal facilities and services, such as a lounge, food offer and communal gardens

Not only are we looking to deliver facilities and services to older Sefton residents who have need but we also have a desire to ensure that couples may remain housed together, older carers are supported, inter-generational models are considered as well as smaller schemes for residents with a Learning Disability and or Mental Health needs.

Extra Care will allow more people to be supported to live independently for longer and make a significant contribution to giving choice and control to those needing Care and Support.

Innovation and insightful approaches in delivering our vision for Sefton residents will be supported whilst also utilising Council land where applicable.

Sefton have now produced an Extra Care Housing Prospectus  in order to provide a guide for developers and or Registered Providers of housing on our needs in relation to Extra Care. The prospectus covers a number of key areas including: -

  • Sefton 2030 vision
  • Need/Requirement
  • Opportunity
  • Expectations
  • Our Commitment

For more information on this please contact: -

Steven Metcalf

Strategic Manager Extra Care Housing

Mobile 07815654469


Last Updated on Monday, May 13, 2024

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