Bootle Town Centre Investment Framework

Bootle Town Centre Investment Framework (Lambert Smith Hampton /Nexus 2016) sets out opportunities for Bootle Town Centre, including the retail area, the office area and the Town Hall complex.  Key points include looking at more leisure opportunities within the Town Centre, improving the canal area and developing Stanley Road to form the spine of the Town.

The Investment Framework was developed with Sefton Council and incorporates views and comments gathered at a range of consultation events and forms the basis for both the acquisition of Bootle Strand, further site assembly and acquisition work and development of Bootle Canalside as a temporary events and activities space in the heart of the town centre and as the first phase of the Bootle Strand repurposing.

The Strategy links into the Sefton Local Plan, identifying specific development proposals along with support for the planning regeneration priorities for the area and will help guide the future of the council’s current property and land holdings in the town.

It is envisioned that investor confidence will also be enhanced through the development of a clear plan for Bootle.  Sefton Council will be working closely with developers, investors and other stakeholders to help bring together both private and public sector resources to improve the overall economic health and vitality of the town.

Bootle Town Centre Investment Framework - Part 1 (pdf 6.47MB)
Bootle Town Centre Investment Framework - Part 2 (pdf 5.93MB)
Bootle Consultation Report (pdf 705KB)

Last Updated on Friday, August 2, 2024

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