Adult Social Care Day Opportunities Consultation
Your Day, Your Say consultation update
On the 24th June 2021, Sefton Council agreed that Adult Social Care would undertake a day services consultation, taking account of the impact of the COVD-19 pandemic on day services and the changing aspirations of young people transitioning to Adult Social Care.
A commitment was made to co-design the consultation and engagement approach with people who use day services, parents, carers and local advocacy organisations and the voluntary and community faith sector to ensure the consultation remained as independent as possible.
In order to ensure that local services could respond to the needs and ambitions of the outcome of the consultation it was agreed that a commissioning and procurement approach would be undertaken to establish local purchasing arrangements in Sefton which would secure a range of suitable, quality and diverse services to meet the needs of people who meet Care Act eligibility.
The consultation concluded on the 9th of January 2022, and we would like to thank all those that took the time to share their views.
We asked
People to consider and respond to the proposals set out in the Day Opportunities Vision with a focus on how the impact of the COVID pandemic affected people’s choices and how people would like to be supported in the future.
What you said
It is clear from the consultation that people wanted to be engaged in considering any changes linked to the Day Opportunities Vision.
It was recognised that people value day opportunities. However, the consultation did indicate that some of the barriers adults face in participating fully in community-based activities do need to be addressed and that the range of provision available to support greater participation in the community, undertake volunteering and access opportunities for employment needs to be broadened.
Transitions and preparing for adulthood were also recognised as challenging or young people and their carer’s.
Further details of what people told us can be found in the Consultation Report and the Appendices to the main report which provide a full analysis from the consultation.
Consultation Report | ![]() |
The consultation report document is not fully screen reader compatible. The information is available on the Council Website. If you need any support to access this information, please contact
FAQ And Responses | ![]() |
Sefton Day Services Profile | ![]() |
Questionnaire Analysis | ![]() |
The questionnaire analysis document is not fully screen reader compatible. The information is available on the Council Website. If you need any support to access this information, please contact
Working together
Following the end of the consultation a group of volunteers came forward, who had participated in the consultation itself, to support the council in co-designing creative inspirational support for people to access day opportunities in Sefton based on their lived experience.
The information gained from the consultation is being used to inform how we commission services in the future.
Easy read report
Your Day Your Say - Easy Read report | ![]() |
Background and Next Steps
Day services in Sefton have been mainly a building based offer and although quality of provision has been good, there has been growing evidence that people preferred to engage in more personalised types of services, and not what traditional day services had been offering.
Older people and those with dementia can be supported to maintain their skills and independence when they can access stimulating activities and mix with other people, reducing isolation and loneliness, which can impact greatly on peoples mental health. People who use services tell us they prefer this type of provision and where a range of activities are available.
Younger adults and particularly young people reaching adulthood have not wanted to access traditional services and equally want support tailored to their individual needs. They told us they want to access the same activities or places that their peers do and wat to be able to have a job where possible.
As a result of the consultation and the evidence of these trends, it was also important to ensure that services in Sefton could respond to these needs and aspirations.
People who have helped us to co design the consultation have also been part of creating a specification for day services going forward in relation to how they would like these more flexible and community based services to operate. This specification will be part of the procurement and commissioning process to create the local purchasing system in Sefton. Providers will need to ensure that they can meet this specification when they apply to become a provider through this process.
A community interest company called Community Catalysts also helped us with looking at what provision we already had in Sefton and what might be good to develop in the future. They also helped us to support people in understanding how they could help to co produce and design the services they wanted going forward.
The process of procurement will commence April 2023 and we will also invite people who use services to help us select providers, and assess outcomes of these services once in place.
The procurement will be advertised on the North West Procurement Portal called the CHEST.
Any organisation wishing to be kept updated on the commissioning and procurement activity for Day opportunities can register on the CHEST portal.
If you have any queries in relation to the consultation report, please contact us through the day opportunities mailbox at
Contacting Adult Social Care
If you have a general enquiry in relation to Adult Social Care or wish to discuss current day care arrangements, you can make contact in the following ways:
- By contacting Adult Social Care on our Adult Social Care webpages.
- By calling 0345 140 0845