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The aim of the partnership is to ensure that Sefton is a safe place to live, work and visit. Each year we undertake a Community Safety Strategic Needs Assessment (SSNA) where we analyse local, regional, and national data as well as listen to feedback from our communities to identify local needs and priorities for our communities that helps with strategy and service planning.

This document identifies the priorities for Safer Sefton Together over the next 3 years, what work the partnership is already undertaking in these areas and what work is planned.

Many of our priorities do not change substantially from year to year as they follow long term trends and whilst our strategic priorities will be established for a three-year period we recognise that we may, however, need to re-focus our priorities in response to emerging or changing trends in crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), the impact of previous interventions, emerging external national or local factors, and learning
gained through delivery of existing priorities.

We may also need to respond to changing demographics and changes to the culturally diverse nature of our communities. Such requirements will be identified
via our annual Community Safety Needs Assessment and through an annual review of this plan to ensure that work-plans and outcomes are appropriately delivered.

It is also important to recognise that our 6 priorities are not mutually exclusive of each other and as such there is significant cross over between all of the priorities.

Last Updated on Thursday, August 1, 2024

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