Last chance to get winter COVID-19 vaccination

25 January 2025 3 min read

Friday 31st January is the last day for people to get their seasonal COVID-19 vaccination.

Cheshire and Merseyside health bosses are urging those who are eligible to come forward as soon as possible to protect themselves and their friends and family.

Severe illness and hospitalisation

COVID-19 can still cause severe illness and hospitalisation in some cases, particularly among those most at-risk. People are encouraged to get protection for the remainder of winter when viruses spread more easily as people spend more time indoors.

The COVID-19 vaccination is offered to those most vulnerable and at risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus.

People aged 65 and over

Those who are eligible include people aged 65 and over and those with underlying health conditions such as a weakened immune system.

Pregnant women are strongly recommended to have the vaccine to help give them and their babies the best possible protection.

Frontline health and social care workers are also eligible and are encouraged to come forward to protect themselves and those they care for.

Walk-in clinics

Walk-in clinics are available across Cheshire and Merseyside to make it as convenient as possible for people to get vaccinated. People can also visit the Living Well Bus or a local pharmacy that offers the vaccination.

Use this link to check if you are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine or to find a walk-in clinic near you.

Maximum defences

It takes about two weeks following vaccination to build up the maximum defences against the virus, so if you’re eligible it’s important to top up your protection, even if you have had a vaccine or been ill with COVID before, as immunity fades over time.

Professor Rowan Pritchard Jones, Medical Director for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, said: “Vaccines are our best defence this winter and will help ease the pressure on our NHS services. There is just a week left to get your winter COVID-19 vaccine before the offer ends on 31 January so if you haven’t done so already, please visit the Living Well Bus or a local NHS vaccination service.

“Getting vaccinated every year will top up your protection and reduce your risk of getting severe symptoms.”

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