Council using Council Tax premiums to bring empty properties back into use

05 March 2025 2 min read

This week is National Empty Homes Week

Sefton Council aims to tackle the issue of Empty Homes in a number of different ways. One of these is through Council Tax to encourage owners of empty properties to bring them back into use.

Additional premiums

Owners of empty properties that are empty for over a year are charged an additional premium of 100% of the Council Tax charge. This means a total payable of 200% of the full Council Tax charge.

Properties which have been empty for five  years are charged a 200% premium making a total payable of 300% of the full charge. Owners of properties that have been empty for more than 10 years are charged four times the normal Council Tax rate.

From 1st April 2025, we will also charge a Council Tax premium on periodically occupied properties (second homes), or those substantially furnished for which there is no resident. These properties will be charged a 100% premium making a total payable of 200% of the full Council Tax charge.

Advice and support for owners

You can find out more about Housing in Sefton, including about Empty Homes at

You can find out more about Council Tax in Sefton here

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