Business Rates Collection Figures
Percentage of debt collected in respect of Business Rates for both the current and the previous financial year.
Month | Previous Financial Year (2023/24) - % | Current Financial Year (2024/25) - % |
March | 98.8 | |
February | 93.4 | |
January | 88.0 | 89.6 |
December | 77.1 | 81.4 |
November | 73.1 | 73.9 |
October | 66.3 | 65.7 |
September | 55.7 | 57.4 |
August | 50.0 | 48.6 |
July | 41.1 | 40.8 |
June | 31.0 | 31.9 |
May | 22.9 | 24.4 |
April | 15.0 | 16.6 |
Business Waste - A Duty of Care
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 places a Duty on Businesses to account for how their Trade Waste is stored and disposed of. All Businesses must take one of the following options when disposing of waste produced on their premises. They must either;
- Arrange for their Waste to be collected by a Carrier registered with the Environment Agency or;
- Arrange for a Commercial Waste collection with Sefton Council or;
- Take their waste to a Waste Reception Centre and obtain a receipt.
Business Rates do not cover the collection of Trade Waste and Businesses should not take their Trade Waste home with them to be collected by the Domestic Waste collection crews.
Enforcement Officers will be carrying out inspections to check that Businesses are complying with the law and offering advice to those who request it. Businesses who do not dispose of their Trade Waste correctly are running the risk of Prosecution.
Businesses can obtain advice on how to dispose of their Trade waste by calling Sefton Council Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845.