Our Proposals

The Business Case for the Southport Town Fund submission recognised the importance of the public realm in Southport.

In recognition of Prince Louis Napoleon, being so impressed by the grandeur of Lord Street that it formed the basis by which Paris was reconstructed, a project has been developed under the title “Les Transformations de Southport”.

This looks at increasing interconnectivity across Southport town centre and Waterfront, from improved pedestrian and cycling routes, to the creation of new public spaces.

Some development work has been completed to look at materials to be adopted in any improvement work. These are aimed at lifting the appearance of the town, are appropriate for the area and can be readily replaced and maintained. A further exercise has been undertaken to identify amendments to the highway network aimed at improving pedestrian accessibility and creating options for new and improved public space. Some consultation is planned for later in the year over these changes and this will help shape further phases of improvement work.

Some changes to the highway in the vicinity of Southport Market have been approved. These limit the traffic using Market Street thus changing the appearance of the highway.

A public realm improvement focused on King Street. Market Street and Eastbank Street is programmed for delivery later in early 2024. This exciting project should help transform this area of the town centre and set the standard for other improvements.

Consideration is also being given to a further scheme centred around the link between the town and the new Marine Lake Exhibition Centre and will consider wider improvements to the Promenade.

Last Updated on Thursday, July 25, 2024

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