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Forums and Groups

Sefton Adults Forum

Supporting engagement across partner organisations (VCF sector/Sefton Place/Sefton ASC and providers)allowing for information sharing and communication regarding key pieces of information across the partnership

Ability Plus

Ability Plus is a forum which aims to provide a voice to people living with a disability in the borough of Sefton.

The forum allows anyone wanting to consult or engage with Sefton’s disabled community to get a better understanding of the needs of disabled people and the experiences they have of various services.

Sefton Council for Voluntary services

Sefton CVS is a registered charity, operating for 40 years, that provides specialist support services to voluntary, community and faith sector organisations (VCF), encouraging independent resilience and sustainable communities in Sefton.

CVS runs networks and forums including the Health and Social Care Forum and Every Child Matter Forum (Children, Young People and Families).

It also runs specialist forums working with equality groups including people with disabilities, the lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender community, BME groups and faith communities.

Call 0151 920 0726 to find out more or visit the Sefton CVS website


Embrace is a Sefton CVS network which is for all lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) people who live, work or socialise in Sefton, Merseyside. The network is is ran by and for members of the local LGB communities and is open to everyone to join.

The group runs a monthly social and support evening called 'Kindfulness Coffee Club' in Bootle.

Email or visit the Embrace Sefton Facebook page to find out more.

People First Merseyside

People First Merseyside is an organisation led by, and for, people with a learning disability.  Its mission is to help people with learning disabilities  speak out, be respected and live active, healthy and happy lives.

Anyone with a learning disability who lives on Merseyside can join. For more information call 0151 707 6751 or 0151 329 2137, email or visit the People First Merseyside Facebook page.

Sefton Advocacy Service

Sefton Advocacy Service provides support to vulnerable adults living in Sefton to enable them to speak their views on issues or services. 

The organisation offers support for people with a learning disability, physical disability, mental ill-health and asylum seekers and refugees. It also supports people who are, or feel, simply vulnerable in a given situation.

Call 01704 500 500 to find out more or email

Sefton Equal Voices BME Network

Sefton Equal Voice (Black & Ethnic Minorities) Network is a forum for BME people who live and work in Sefton to enable them to fully participate in consultation and decision making processes within Sefton which impact on their community.

The network meets on a regular basis and receives presentations from partner agencies highlighting matters  that may impact on the BME community in Sefton.

Call 0151 920 0726 or email Robert Brennan at Sefton CVS to find out more or visit the Sefton Equal Voice website or Sefton CVS Facebook page.

Merseyside Society for Deaf People

Merseyside Society for deaf People (MSDP) exists to support, promote and advance the quality of life for all deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing people.

It is the recognised accredited training centre for British sign language and provides sign language interpreters, training and information.

Call 0151 228 0888 to find out more, email or visit the MDSP website.

Last Updated on Friday, January 17, 2025

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