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Better at home

The vision for Adult Social Care is that people should be supported to remain at home in their communities with family and friends. To do this may require formal care and support services, advice information and access to therapy or community health services. This Approach document supports the Better at Home transformation in Project 2 for Front Door and outlines the project objectives and milestones.  

Our benchmark data tells us that less people should be in care homes in Sefton and that more people should be supported in the community. People move into care homes when they cannot be adequately supported to stay at home or when they have not recovered from illness or frailty on discharge from hospital and a short stay in a care home leads to permanency. 

Ideally, we want to expand the offer of services to provide more choice and control to those needing care and support to avoid care home admission – this “step up” will help to prevent hospital admission and reduce care home admission in the long term. 

We also want enough supply of good quality domiciliary care and reablement to be able to respond in a timely way to help people stay at home rather than move into a care home. 

The five projects in Better at Home will support delivery of the vision.

Sefton place better at home 5 programmes

Last Updated on Thursday, January 9, 2025

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